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Author: Gilmour, John B.

Title: Strategic Disagreement: Stalemate in American politics [political parties; politics]

Year: 1995 Pittsb

Format: PDF Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UPittsburghPr

Author: Gilpin, William, 1822-94

Title: Mission of the North American people, geographical, social, & political. (Illus. by 6 charts)


Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Glaab, Charles N.

Title: The American City: A Documentary History

Year: 1963

Format: Questia

Price: subs

Publisher: DorseyPr

Author: Goddard, Delano Alexander, 1831-82

Title: The Mathers weighed in the balances


Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Goddard, William Giles, 1794-1846

Title: The political & miscellaneous writings of William G. Goddard v1


Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Goddard, William Giles, 1794-1846

Title: The political & miscellaneous writings of William G. Goddard v2


Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Goin, Thomas, 1803-1847

Title: Remarks on the Home Squadron & Naval School by A Gentleman of New-York [advocates maintenance of Navy]

Year: 1840 NY

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalifornia

Author: Goodell, William

Title: The American Slave Code in Theory & Practice: Its Distinctive Features Shown by Its Statutes, Judicial Decisio

Year: 1853 NY

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: DinsmoreDoc

Author: Goodell, William, 1792-1878 (Rev)

Title: The Kansas struggle, of 1856, in Congress & in the Presidential campaign... [Amer Abolition Soc]

Year: 1857

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Goodhue, J A

Title: The crucible; or, Tests of a regenerate state...With an introduction by Rev. Edward N. Kirk...


Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Goodloe, Daniel Reaves, 1814-1902

Title: Federalism unmasked: Rights of the states, congress, executive, & people, against encroachments of the judicia

Year: 1860

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Goodrich, Charles Augustus, 1790-1862

Title: A History of the United States, w/engravings & a Geographical View of the US [illus.]

Year: 1828

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: CMU

Author: Goodrich, Samuel Griswold, 1793-1860

Title: A Pictorial History of the U.S., w/notices of other portions of America...for the use of schools

Year: 1850 NY

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: UPittsburgh

Author: Goodspeed, Edgar Johnson, 1833-81

Title: History of the great fires in Chicago & the West...a career arrested by sudden & awful calamity illus.

Year: 1871] Chi.

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Gormley, Beatrice

Title: Our Forty-Third President

Year: 2000

Format: Adobe eBook

Price: 4.00

Publisher: Simon&Schuster

Author: Gould, Thomas B, 1813-56

Title: Selections from the letters of Thomas B. Gould...with memoirs of his life


Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Grant, Ulysses S

Title: Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant

Year: 1885-86

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Bartleby

Author: Grant, Ulysses S

Title: Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant v. 1

Year: 1885-86

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: HistTextArchiv

Author: Grant, Ulysses S

Title: Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant v. 1

Year: 1885-86

Format: Txt-G

Price: Free

Publisher: GutenbergUS

Author: Grant, Ulysses S

Title: Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant v. 2

Year: 1885-86

Format: Txt-G

Price: Free

Publisher: GutenbergUS

Author: Grant, Ulysses S

Title: Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant v. 2

Year: 1885-86

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: HistTextArchiv

Author: Grant, William E

Title: The American 1890's: A Chronology

Year: 2000-

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: BowlingGrnStU

Author: Gras, Norman Scott Brien

Title: A History of Agriculture in Europe & America [illus.]

Year: 1925 NY

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: CornellU

Author: Gray, Lewis Cecil, et al.

Title: History of agriculture in the southern US to 1860 v 1 [Carnegie Institution #430]

Year: 1933 Wash.

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: CornellU

Author: Gray, Lewis Cecil, et al.

Title: History of agriculture in the southern US to 1860 v 2 [Carnegie Institution #430]

Year: 1933 Wash.

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: CornellU

Author: Greeley, Horace

Title: A history of the struggle for slavery extension in the US, from the Decl. Indp. to the present day

Year: 1856

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Greeley, Horace

Title: Art & Industry as Represented in the Exhibition at the Crystal Palace, New York--1853-4

Year: 1853 NY

Price: Free

Publisher: Google

Author: Greeley, Horace

Title: Hints toward reforms, in lectures, addresses, & other writings

Year: 1854

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Greeley, Horace

Title: The American conflict: Hist. of the great rebellion...1860-64 v1 causes, incidents, & opinion [re] slavery, 17

Year: 1866

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Greeley, Horace

Title: The American conflict: Hist. of the great rebellion...1860-64 v2 causes, incidents, & opinion [re] slavery, 17

Year: 1866

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Greeley, Horace

Title: The American conflict: Hist. of the great rebellion...1860-64, v1 causes, incidents, & opinion [re] slavery, 1

Year: 1865-66

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Greeley, Horace

Title: The American conflict: Hist. of the great rebellion...1860-64, v1 causes, incidents, & opinion [re] slavery, 1

Year: 1865-66

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Green, Donald P., et. al.

Title: Defended Neighborhoods, Integration, & Racially Motivated Crime (Am J Sociology)

Year: 1998

Format: PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: YaleU

Author: Green, Donald P., et. al.

Title: From Lynching to Gay Bashing: The Elusive Connection Between Economic Conditions & Hate Crime (J Personality &

Year: 1998

Format: PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: YaleU

Author: Green, Jonathan Harrington, b. 1812

Title: Secret band of brothers. An exposition of the various crimes, villanies, & misdeeds of this powerful organizat


Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

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